Why do we need to go with our children and grandchildren?

That's because Shakhtar is the best sanatorium for families with children!

Here is a list of what makes our sanatorium "the best space for children"

  • A cool team of animators - it is with animators that children have to part the hardest, sometimes even with tears in their eyes;
  • Regular activities - we have games, contests, quests, tournaments, exercises, discos, art classes and many other entertainments;
  • Concert Hall - we show family cartoons and movies;
  • We conduct an interactive for children - by participating in activities inside the sanatorium, the children earn the internal currency "Amaksiki" and exchange them for our souvenirs;
  • A huge playroom with a tutor — which works every day for all children from 4 years old, so that during the procedures it was possible to leave the child under supervision;
  • Creative workshop of the sanatorium — here we organize master classes where our little guests create memorable souvenirs with their own hands;

Thank you for the photos of our beloved guests