Specialized treatment programs for children

Holidays with children are always fun and bright. And if you combine it with procedures to strengthen immunity, a family vacation will also be beneficial for health.

Specialized treatment programs for children are a great solution for those who value their time. We offer an optimal set of services to preserve and strengthen the health of your child. Our doctors, using their many years of experience and knowledge, have developed various comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and prevention programs for children of all ages. In all programs, the services required in a certain age range are mandatory.

Krasnaya Pakhra Resort offers the following children's programs:

Specialized treatment program "Be healthy, baby!"

Duration: 7 - 13 days

Indications: Prevention of frequent and prolonged colds in children. The program is aimed at increasing the resistance of the child's body to infections, restoring the disturbed immune balance, strengthening the respiratory system. For children from 4 to 7 years old.

Expected effect: more stable immunity to colds and viral diseases. Improvement of general well-being in conditions of high intellectual and physical activity.

Specialized treatment program "Healthy youth"

Duration: 7 - 13 days

Indications: Prevention and treatment of scoliosis, flat feet, clubfoot, posture disorders in children, strengthening of the musculoskeletal system of the body. For teenagers from 7 to 14 years old.