The Maslenitsa Week has started — the time of pancakes and folk festivals

Maslenitsa is an ancient Slavic holiday that lasts for a whole week. During this time, our ancestors said goodbye to winter and "woke up" the earth, preparing it for a meeting with spring. Seeing off the winter, they arranged noisy festivities. All Russians look forward to this holiday every year. The event always falls on different dates.

So, in 2023, Maslenitsa will begin on Monday, February 20, and will continue until the 26th. The very week of the holiday is conditionally divided into two periods. From Monday to Wednesday, a Narrow Carnival lasts, from Thursday to Sunday — a Wide one.

The holiday has its own peculiarity: every day carries its own traditions and beliefs.

On Monday, our ancestors "met" and began preparations. It was necessary to make and put a scarecrow in the yard, build an ice slide, and bake pancakes.

On Tuesday, it was necessary to devote time to entertainment. On this day, they have as much fun as possible, play, communicate with friends and family, and also eat pancakes cooked on Monday.

Wednesday is marked by a meeting with guests. I had to spend time with relatives, relatives, friends or people I hadn't seen for a long time, or invite them to my house.

On Thursday, as on Tuesday, you need to have fun. However, there is one condition. This must be done on the street. On this day, people played snowballs, rode horses, led round dances or just danced. And, of course, you can't do without eating pancakes.

On the fifth day, the sons-in-law invite their wives' mothers to visit. This time was even called "mother-in-law's evenings". Tradition obliges to feed women pancakes and give them tea. And sometimes they came together with their friends to brag to them about what a good guy mom gave her daughter for.

And on Saturday, the daughters—in-law already paid attention to their sisters-in-law - sisters and relatives of her husband. The girls also had to please the guests with a delicious table, as well as have a heart-to-heart conversation with them. It was also considered a good omen to make some small but pleasant gifts to everyone who came to visit.

Sunday is the last day of a fun and carefree week. There are those same send-offs of winter: eating pancakes, festive festivities, burning an effigy, which was done on Monday.

By the way, the ashes that remained after burning need to be scattered across the fields so that a good harvest will turn out next year.