Early booking

Plan your vacation at the Krasnaya Pakhra resort in advance and get discounts of up to 15% on the "Earlier booking" promotion. Take care of your rest and treatment and purchase vouchers at the best prices.


  • A 15% discount is provided for early booking of vouchers made 30 days or more before the arrival date.
  • The promotion applies only to guaranteed bookings (with prepayment).
  • The promotion applies to all room categories.
  • The discount applies to vouchers with treatment lasting at least 7 days, to vouchers without treatment lasting at least 5 days. This promotion does not apply to vouchers of shorter duration.
  • The promotion is combined with a discount on the loyalty program of the Krasnaya Pakhra resort. The maximum discount amount for summation is 35%, in the summer period 20% (discounts are applied sequentially).

Call and book!

All materials and prices posted on the site are for reference purposes and are not a public offer determined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. To receive the final price of the trip, use the on-line booking form on the website or contact the sales department of the resort by phone: +7 (495) 021-96-94

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