Degenerative – dystrophic changes of cartilage and cortical layer

If the signs on ultrasound and X-ray images indicate degenerative-dystrophic changes in cartilage and cortical layer, then we are talking about arthrosis and arthritis. This problem affects up to 12% of the population of all ages. With age, the situation becomes even worse. Statistics show that up to 97% of elderly people over the age of 60 have signs of joint disease.

In the vast majority of cases, degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints indicate deforming arthrosis. It also involves a violation of the shape of adjacent surfaces and bones. The main reasons for this condition are:

  • low level of physical activity, sedentary work;
  • increased body weight compared to the norm;
  • lack of oxygen in the body.

All this leads to an increase in pressure on the joints. Initially, during dynamic loading, the articular cartilage is affected: its thickening. This is where the negative changes in bone tissue begin.

Deforming arthrosis can be primary or secondary. The first develops due to age, overload or injury. Secondary arthrosis is the result of existing joint diseases, also congenital.

In general, as a therapy, unloading of the diseased joint, restrictions in walking, standing, lifting heavy objects are provided. Surgical intervention is recommended to restore the limbs at stage 3 of the disease. Conservative (nonsurgical) treatment methods are also used. It includes biological, physical and chemical therapy.

The treatment of the diseased joint should be complete. At the first and second stages, it is recommended to include not only a medical method, but a sanatorium-resort. The AMAKS sanatorium network offers a wide range of procedures aimed at the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. The main components of therapy here will be baths (mud, pearl, coniferous, with mineral waters), massages, applications, etc. Our specialists are highly qualified and have extensive experience. In 98% of cases, we help to cure the disease or alleviate the patient's condition.

The results of treatment are:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the limb;
  • elimination or reduction of pain;
  • preservation or restoration of the motor function of the joint.

In the absence of proper intervention, the first or second stage of the disease develops into a more serious third. At this stage, there is a strong deformation of the joint and limited movement. The destruction of cartilage can also occur completely. Only surgery will help solve the problem. The other methods will only ease the suffering.

In order not to start the disease in the early stages, we recommend contacting AMAKS specialists right now. Our resorts are located in picturesque places and offer effective recovery programs.